What is infrared thermal imaging?

Infrared is just beyond the spectrum of visible light, beyond what we can see as humans. Infrared thermal imaging is the use of a state-of-the-art infrared camera to put energy and heat into an image, or picture visible to the human eye. Almost everything changes temperature before it fails, which allows us to observe and diagnose problems in most objects without the need for invasive or destructive discovery. Infrared is now being used in the medical and veterinary field and it has become an invaluable tool for home inspection worldwide.

This science, however, is much more than just looking through a camera and seeing the problem. The examiner needs to be trained and experienced with building components and equipment. Most areas scanned will show some type of anomaly. It takes experience and education to properly diagnose the image. It’s just too easy to misdiagnose an image without extensive, hands-on experience.

Accurate Infrared Detection has been using Infrared thermal imaging throughout the Hawkes Bay & Central North Island area as a diagnostic tool since 2009. With thousands of building components scanned we have the experience to identify issues immediately, on the spot.

Our company works with trade professionals within the following industries to assist in finding and diagnosing existing problems as well as providing preventive and predictive maintenance:

  • Building
  • Electrical
  • Roofing
  • Exterior Cladding
  • Insulation
  • Heating and Cooling systems
  • Mechanical & Engineering
  • Veterinary & Medical

Call us today for a free quote and to start seeing your world in Infrared.